
Conversation with Guides – My Forgotten Agreement


A goddess on a beach

Yesterday night I had an interesting conversation with my Guides regarding the images of faces I have been drawing for about 16 years.
My Guides were opposed to the way I treated my drawings.
“… it’s not a doodling, Rifa, it is channelings. As we mentioned before, we offered the channeling, you agreed, but you put some conditions. We agreed to your conditions.
It is your free will, Rifa, you set the parameters for our agreement.
Then, you forgot about it … and then keep asking us, why, why … So humanlike….

Those portraits don’t have to be beautiful or artistic.
They meant to be a reminder, a wakeup call, to become aware of the deep layers.
Some portraits would resonate with you, or leave you indifferent for now, and others would repulse or make you angered.
That is the intention behind these Faces… for all of you”.

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The Point of Stillness

Where could we go when there is nowhere to go?

Nowhere we could go and nothing we can do?  It feels that we are surrounded. It feels like we are defeated. Is there a place for us to go then?

Yes, there is. Inside ourselves.

We go inside ourselves, deeper and deeper, until we reach the point where we are able to stay still.  And from that moment of stillness, we can look at the situation from different perspectives. With different eyes, if you will.

In this moment we will be able to realize that we reach the TEST moment, the crossroad junction. In that place inside we will be able to remember that we have chosen this situation, and that we welcome it into our lives to learn from it and to graduate.

At this instant, we feel the support and help of the Spirit World. They are giving us strength and wisdom, patience and tolerance.

But it is our job, our move.

And we already made the first step. We went inside.